Rede Concepcionista de Ensino  - Colégio Maria Imaculada - São Paulo-SP


Maria Imaculada

São Paulo-SP




Science & Experiment: Does it roll? - Infantil 2

During English classes, Nursery 2 could perform experiments with ramps and objects. While playing they had the chance to reflect and make predictions: “Does it roll?”, “Can it move?”. They used their creativity to choose the objects and make them moving without using their hands.

Durante as aulas em Língua Inglesa, os alunos do Infantil 2 puderam fazer experimentos com rampas e objetos. Enquanto brincavam, eles tiveram a chance de refletir e fazer previsões: “Isso rola?”, “Isso se move?”. Eles usaram a criatividade para escolher objetos e fazê-los mover sem usar as mãos.